Thursday, May 27, 2010

My Brother

(This is one of my brother's favorite songs!)

Today I was able to spend quite a bit of time with my brother. The more time I spend with him, the prouder I am of the person he has become. School is difficult, and he doesn't have many friends. But, he is able to light up our family. He knows just what to say to cheer me up. And sometimes, in his honesty, it is hard not to laugh. So, i'm going to write down a few of his funny comments:

  • My brother to me: "Kendra, what size shirt is that...extra-large....medium?" "Um, no bud, its a small" "Oh, i thought it looked like an extra large"
  • My mom was typing on the computer and my brother was trying to talk to her. My mom when working on certain things needs her complete concentration focused on that. So, she kindly asked my brother to stop talking for a bit. To which he replied, "it's can't multi-task as good as Kendra!"
  • According to him: "Your breath smells like you have been born." (this one i'm still trying to figure out)
In the past few years, I have grown a lot closer to him (and my sister). Part of the reason has been my license. The fun drives into school in the morning....all of us singing at the top of our lungs...hitting the wrong notes....driving with the windows down....stopping for our morning coffee....and laughing and joking all along the way (well, besides the few odd mornings when one of us is studying and all in a dither!)

I know many of the problems that i face are small compared to what my brother will experience. I thank God for his amazing attitude and view of the world, and I praise God for his encouraging spirit.

1 comment:

  1. Your brother is so funny! And I like that last quote of his, I can picture him saying that!
