Tuesday, September 28, 2010


It has been about a month since I have been here at Calvin....and I have learned so much!!!!

The main thing I have learned is that just Christianity is not enough. You need to know what you believe and be able to explain. So often I have lived my life with lukewarm Christianity...I have never been challenged in my beliefs. Tonight, in a seminar we talked about "Holy Worldliness"...two words we do not usually associate together. As Christians we have the reputation of hating the world...why not break the reputation? Why are we content to be luke-warm? Kristin Vander Giessen-Reitsma wrote, "Our call is to 'test the spirits' (1 John 4:1) not to hide from them. In order to do that, we need to grow up-that is, recognize our personal limitations, but also learn how to be able to witness sinfulness without changing our minds about what's good and pleasing to God."

I am no longer content with my walk with God...I long for a deeper, more real relationship....one where I find my place in the world.....the WORLD....not just a 'Christian bubble'. The World is Awesome........

So, the world is awesome...God created it...I can't wait for a new day!!!!

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